Mittwoch, 16. September 2009

Star Micronics 37962120 Wireless Monochrome Printer

Super deals Star Micronics 37962120 Wireless Monochrome Printer reviews & best price. Star Micronics 37962120 Wireless Monochrome Printer, there may also available for holidays deals such as Black Friday, Thanksgiving, or Cyber Monday or others holiday deals as well. However please check more details at the most trusted online store we provided by clicking "Get lowest Price!" or "Read Full Reviews" buttons before making any purchases.
Star Micronics 37962120 Wireless Monochrome Printer

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Seller : Star Micronics

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    • Ultra High Speed: 37 Receipts Per Minute (180mm/sec)
    • Wide Paper Format: 4.4-Inch (112mm)
    • Print Letter-Sized Documents on 4.4-Inch Wide Roll Paper
    • Logo Store Utility for Coupons and Graphic Storage
    • Barcode Capabilities
Product Description
This revolutionary wide-format POS printer provides a solution to a number of applications where no POS printer was able to before. From compact web printing to mobile transportation printing as well as producing wide high-quality POS receipts with professional and crisp graphics, the TSP800II is the solution! The TSP800II is the only printer on the market that provides printing on 3-Inch to 4.4-Inch wide paper at an amazing speed. It is the perfect printer for applications that need to print a large amount of information on a receipt. The TSP800II can also be purchased with a locking mechanism to secure any sensitive or costly roll of paper (See Model: TSP800Rx).

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